28 Des 2010

[Download] Imagenomic Noiseware Profesional 4.2

Akhirnya Posting lagi.hufff...
Kali ini saya akan bagikan software untuk memperhalus gambar dari noise atau biasa kalo difoto itu bintik2 kuning. paling sering biasanya muncul pada kamera resolusi keci "kamera HP" atau memotret pada malam hari. untuk lebih lengkapnya lihat aja deskripsinya dibawah...
untuk cara downloadnya seperti biasa lewat torrent, soalnya lebih enak dan mudah daripada download dari bawaan browser atau IDM, soalnya di torrent gampang nyari file bajakan.hehe
dimana untuk cara memakai torrent anda bisa lihat tutorial berikut ini. apabila sudah instal softwarenya tinggal downlod file torrentnya lalu tinggal klik 2 kali otomatis downlod sendiri.


Noiseware adalah suatu software berkinerja tinggi yang dirancang untuk mengurangi atau untuk menghilangkan noise dari foto digital atau scan gambar. 

Tidak seperti kebanyakan software pengolah gambar teknik yang memanfaatkan metode sederhana (seperti filter median) untuk menghilangkan gangguan digital pada citra, Noiseware mempunyai fitur algoritma noise yang canggih namun cepat dalampemrosesan. 

Menggunakan kemampuan profil adaptif dan penajaman fungsi, Noiseware sangat mengurangi noise yang terlihat dalam rincian gambar.


Noiseware is the highly-acclaimed, award-winning software tool from Imagenomic that is setting the standard for digital image noise reduction. Noiseware leads the field for speed, quality and ease-of-use in restoring image fidelity by eliminating digital noise and unwanted artifacts introduced by high ISO photography and less than optimal environmental conditions. Unlike most image processing software techniques that utilize simple methods (such as median filters) to treat digital noise in images, Noiseware features a sophisticated yet fast noise filtering algorithm. Using the adaptive noise profile capability and sharpening function, Noiseware greatly reduces the visible noise while keeping the details in the images.

Inimitable Performance: Continuing its ever-increasing performance tradition, the new Noiseware 4.2 boasts an additional 25% speed increase, plus dual-processor support enabling a further 2X performance improvement over its predecessor. Now you can process 8 MPixel files in under 4 seconds in 16-bit mode.

Intuitive and Intelligent: True to its Easy-to-Use principle, Noiseware 4.2 further streamlines sophisticated workflow into an intuitive experience. No camera profiles needed — just click once. Noiseware’s IntelliProfileTM algorithm, with its Self-Learning mechanism, will automatically calibrate a precision noise profile and choose the optimal settings for each individual image. The manual region sampling method is also available, if preferred.

New Unique Features: Noiseware includes three new control sets to enable a wide range of fine-tuning and superior output quality. Now you can adjust detected noise levels as well as noise suppression levels by tonal and color ranges. Noiseware's new DetailGuard preserves image details based on tonality range and processing degree, safeguarding picture details from excessive alteration.

How to use Photoshop plugins
A plug-in is a software module, which is used with some other applications to enhance the capabilities of that application. Adobe Photoshop
comes with pre-installed plug-ins. These plug-ins perform different type of effects on images.

To use plug-ins in Adobe Photoshop we need to install them in Adobe Photoshop's plug-in directory.When we install any plug-in it will ask you to give the path (some automatically finds Adobe Photoshop). Select the Adobe Photoshop's plug directory. When Adobe Photoshop will run it will automatically read these plug-ins. These plug-ins will be included in the Filter menu.

To use any plug-in, open the image on which we want to use effects. Then go to menu bar and select Filter and then in the end of this menu list select any of the installed plug-in. The plug-in window will open.

21 Des 2010

[download] Adobe Photoshop CS5 Portable

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended Multilingual Portable Final

Lama gk posting..
Kali ini saya akan sharing software untuk edit Gambar yang sudah tidak asing lagi di telingan kita. yaitu sesuai dengan judul diatas.hehe
untuk cara downloadnya lewat torrent, soalnya lebih enak lewat torrent daripada download dari bawaan browser atau IDM, soalnya di torrent gampang nyari file bajakan.. dimana untuk cara memakai torrent anda bisa lihat tutorial berikut ini. apabila sudah instal softwarenya tinggal downlod file torrentnya lalu tinggal klik 2 kali otomatis downlod sendiri.


The professional image-editing standard and leader of the Photoshop digital imaging line

Adobe ® Photoshop ® CS5 Extended provides excellent opportunities for selection, retouching, and paint realistic images, as well as the creation of 3D-shapes. 
Many new features help save time and increase productivity raboty.S easily select the complex field. Remove any elements of the image moments of intellectual filling the 
empty field. Draw realistic illustrations. Create striking images HDR, Eliminate noise, add grain and adjust vignetting using the most modern tools for photo editing.

What's New in This Release:

Complex selections made easy:
· Select specific areas within an image in fewer clicks. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair; eliminate background color around selection edges; and automatically vary selection edges and perfect masks 
using new refinement tools.

Content-Aware Fill:

· Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never 

Superior HDR imaging:

· Create photo-realistic or surreal HDR images with unprecedented speed, control, and accuracy. Get better-than-ever results thanks to automatic ghost removal and greater control with tone mapping and adjustments, 
and even give single-exposure photos the look of HDR.

Extraordinary painting effects:

· Easily change a photograph into a painting or create unique artistic effects with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending, and Bris...


. Windows OS
· 1.8GHz or faster processor
· 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
· 1GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on flash-based storage devices)
· 1,024x768 display (1,280x800 recommended) with 16-bit video card
· Some GPU-accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0
· DVD-ROM drive
· QuickTime 7.2 software required for multimedia features
· Broadband Internet connection required for online service

Size: 64.50 MB

Cara Instal [kalau sudah selesai download]

1. Unpack.
2. klik Auto paf portable Installer.
3. Pilih language (bahasa)
4. Install it at desire location.
5. Run PhotoshopCS5Portable.exe

[download] Adobe Photoshop CS5 Portable

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended Multilingual Portable Final


The professional image-editing standard and leader of the Photoshop digital imaging line

Adobe ® Photoshop ® CS5 Extended provides excellent opportunities for selection, retouching, and paint realistic images, as well as the creation of 3D-shapes. 
Many new features help save time and increase productivity raboty.S easily select the complex field. Remove any elements of the image moments of intellectual filling the 
empty field. Draw realistic illustrations. Create striking images HDR, Eliminate noise, add grain and adjust vignetting using the most modern tools for photo editing.

What's New in This Release:~>

Complex selections made easy:
· Select specific areas within an image in fewer clicks. Easily select intricate image elements, such as hair; eliminate background color around selection edges; and automatically vary selection edges and perfect masks 
using new refinement tools.

Content-Aware Fill:
· Remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never 

Superior HDR imaging:
· Create photo-realistic or surreal HDR images with unprecedented speed, control, and accuracy. Get better-than-ever results thanks to automatic ghost removal and greater control with tone mapping and adjustments, 
and even give single-exposure photos the look of HDR.

Extraordinary painting effects:
· Easily change a photograph into a painting or create unique artistic effects with the Mixer Brush, which offers on-canvas color blending, and Bris...


. Windows OS
· 1.8GHz or faster processor
· 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
· 1GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on flash-based storage devices)
· 1,024x768 display (1,280x800 recommended) with 16-bit video card
· Some GPU-accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0
· DVD-ROM drive
· QuickTime 7.2 software required for multimedia features
· Broadband Internet connection required for online service

Size: 64.50 MB

How To Install

1. Unpack.
2. Run Auto paf portable Installer.
3. Choose language.
4. Install it at desire location.
5. Run PhotoshopCS5Portable.exe

17 Des 2010

[Download] AVS Video Converter 7.0

Kali ini saya akan sharing software untuk convert All Video yaitu dari AVS.Inc.
untuk cara downloadnya lewat torrent, soalnya lebih enak lewat torrent untuk User yang punya keterbatasan Bandwitch seperti saya sendiri, dimana untuk cara memakai torrent anda bisa lihat tutorial berikut ini. apabila sudah instal softwarenya tinggal downlod file torrentnya lalu tinggal klik 2 kali otomatis downlod sendiri.

AVS Video Converter convert video to ALL KEY FORMATS with AVS Video Converter. Create HD-, Blu-ray videos with enhanced menus. Сonvert files for various devices and upload videos on popular websites directly from the program interface

Key Festures
Convert Video between Almost Any Formats
HD Video (inc. AVCHD, TS, TOD, AVI HD, MOD, M2TS, etc.), AVI, MP4, WMV, Blu-ray, 3GP, MOV, DVD, VOB, MPEG, RM, H.263/H.264 codecs, DVR-MS, MKV, FLV (see a full list of supported video formats).

Benefit from Batch Conversion
Use multithreading conversion and the Batch mode. Convert several video files at once and burn them onto a DVD/Blu-ray disc.

Manage HD-Camera Videos
Convert AVCHD, MPEG-2 HD, AVI HD, TOD/MOD, M2TS/MTS,etc. Split, trim HD-videos, add text & effects and convert them to DVD or any other supported video format with AVS Video Converter. Burn DVD/Blu-ray discs and watch it on your player.

Create Your Own DVDs
Use enhanced DVD menu templates. Split your movie into chapters. Add audio and video as a part of the menu background. Create your own captions for chapters and main page in the disc menu.

Convert Video with Subtitles
Edit and convert video with subtitles to any supported format with AVS Video Converter.

new!Convert Video for Various Devices
Use ready presets to convert video for iPod, iPhone*, iPad, PSP, Zen, PS3 (HD support), XBox (HD support), Nintendo, mobile phones, devices with Android OS, portable media players, etc.

Convert & Edit Your Blu-ray Video
Convert from/to Blu-ray format. Cut, apply effects, add colorful Blu-ray menus and burn Blu-ray discs.

new!Make Videos Ready for Websites
Convert video to FLV, F4V, Real Video or WMV with AVS Video Converter. Create HTML page with embedded FLV/F4V video and post it on your website, personal blog, etc.

Share Your Video on Web
Convert and upload videos to all popular video hostings such as Facebook, Flickr, MySpace, etc., directly from AVS Video Converter interface.

Correct Aspect Ratio
Correct extended or flattened videos. Change aspect ratio and preview the result before conversion.

Multilingual Support
AVS Video Converter interface and tech-support are available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Korean and Polish

Minimum System Requirements
Processor:  Intel / AMD compatible at 1500 MHz or higher
RAM:  512 MB or higher
Sound:  Windows compatible sound card
Windows Media Player 11 or higher for WMV video playback
Apple iTunes installed to upload to iPod touch, iPhone & iPhone 3G
DirectX:  Microsoft DirectX 9.0c or later



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Arsitektur GPU mana yang bottleneck?

Hanya pengamatan pribadi dari referensi core clock atau engine clock. Core clock adalah tolok ukur pengali, multiplier, unit-unit kerja GPU. Core clock di Nvidia dan ATI sama-sama berpengaruh di pixel power (ROP) dan texutre power (TMU). Berapa jumlah ROP unit atau TMU unit silahkan kali core clock dan diconvert ke satuan G/s, Giga per second. Dari faktor ini udah ketahuan cikal performa, referensi jargon perhitungan GPU : Kalkulasi Rumus GPU

Lalu apa yg bikin bottleneck? Adalah manakala core clock dihubungkan dengan Stream processor. Memerlukan ratusan lebih stream processor yang lebih banyak untuk meraih GFlops yang lebih tinggi karena core clock itu ada batasnya, atau ada limit yang mampu dijalankan menyesuaikan teknologi fabrikasi. Engineer mau setting core clock setinggi langit juga adanya malah gosong gak kuat chipset GPU dan VRMnya kan ya. So, gak heran apabila stream processor ATI amat sangat banyak dibandingkan GeForce demi mengejar GFlops karena bottleneck core clock.

Bedanya apa dengan Nvidia? Nvidia make multiplier sendiri untuk urusan Stream Processor yakni dengan shader clock yang berkecepatan di atas 1200MHz rata-rata. Core clock tak ada urusannya lagi dengan SP kecuali cuma ROP dan TMU tadi. Dengan begini NV bisa kasih clock sangat tinggi di shader clock untuk memompa stream processor, atau asumsi core clock tak bottleneck. TAPI dan tapinya, kelemahan NV yg fokus shader clock amat tinggi ini "melemahkan" fungsi core clock itu sendiri yang dari reference bawaan sononya clock core amat sangat minim cuma 700an saja (walo bisa diOC). Konsekuensi demikian akan mem-bottleneck-i ROP dan TMU itu sendiri.

Mana yg lebih bottleneck? atau mana yg lebih baik? ATI dengan satu clock memicu ROP, TMU dan SP? Atau NV dengan 2 pemicu, core clock untuk ROP dan TMU, lalu shader clock untuk SP saja? Saya pikir Nvidia lebih flexibel, tampaknya ... tapi ada juga kemungkinan ATI akan superior dengan core clock yang amat tinggi serta faktor arsitektur yg lebih tradisional hemat biaya produksi

It's all about "formula", semuanya rentan bottleneck.

Trend formula 2010 ini terutama Fermi dan Cayman/Barts sudah cenderung berevolusi. Dulu jaman 2005 - 2008 saya masih ingat AMD powerful di Shader/komputasi dan GeForce powerful di Pixel dan Texutre fillrate. But trend fabrikasi 40nm dan kedepan 28nm makin merubah karakter keduanya. Menjadi terbalik dan bertukar karakter. Saya kira Radeon yang sekarang amat sangat kuat di ROP dan TMU dengan core clock yang amat tinggi, Barts aja udah 900MHz dengan 32 ROP, wao! Tapi core clock itu teramat lemah untuk membuat sibuk stream processor berjumlah 1000an lebih. Sedangkan Fermi kulihat malah makin kuat di computing yang dari formulasi shadernya, terutama tessellation dan shader-shader rumit, yang dikarenakan makin banyak Stream Processor pada road map mereka, saat ini sudah 512 SP, dibandingkan dengan 128SP saat G80, atau naik 4x lipat dalam kurun waktu 4 tahun. Walau shader clock stagnant di kisaran 1200 - 1400MHz namun jumlah SP itu semakin banyak dan gesit. Tapi Fermi makin lemah di pixel dan texture fillrate, indikasi core clock dan TMU/ROP yang stagnant.
