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Noiseware adalah suatu software berkinerja tinggi yang dirancang untuk mengurangi atau untuk menghilangkan noise dari foto digital atau scan gambar.
Tidak seperti kebanyakan software pengolah gambar teknik yang memanfaatkan metode sederhana (seperti filter median) untuk menghilangkan gangguan digital pada citra, Noiseware mempunyai fitur algoritma noise yang canggih namun cepat dalampemrosesan.
Menggunakan kemampuan profil adaptif dan penajaman fungsi, Noiseware sangat mengurangi noise yang terlihat dalam rincian gambar.
Noiseware is the highly-acclaimed, award-winning software tool from Imagenomic that is setting the standard for digital image noise reduction. Noiseware leads the field for speed, quality and ease-of-use in restoring image fidelity by eliminating digital noise and unwanted artifacts introduced by high ISO photography and less than optimal environmental conditions. Unlike most image processing software techniques that utilize simple methods (such as median filters) to treat digital noise in images, Noiseware features a sophisticated yet fast noise filtering algorithm. Using the adaptive noise profile capability and sharpening function, Noiseware greatly reduces the visible noise while keeping the details in the images. 8 MPIXEL IN UNDER 4 SECONDS Inimitable Performance: Continuing its ever-increasing performance tradition, the new Noiseware 4.2 boasts an additional 25% speed increase, plus dual-processor support enabling a further 2X performance improvement over its predecessor. Now you can process 8 MPixel files in under 4 seconds in 16-bit mode. CLICK-LESS WORKFLOW Intuitive and Intelligent: True to its Easy-to-Use principle, Noiseware 4.2 further streamlines sophisticated workflow into an intuitive experience. No camera profiles needed — just click once. Noiseware’s IntelliProfileTM algorithm, with its Self-Learning mechanism, will automatically calibrate a precision noise profile and choose the optimal settings for each individual image. The manual region sampling method is also available, if preferred. COLOR AND TONAL RANGE | FREQUENCY | DETAILGUARD New Unique Features: Noiseware includes three new control sets to enable a wide range of fine-tuning and superior output quality. Now you can adjust detected noise levels as well as noise suppression levels by tonal and color ranges. Noiseware's new DetailGuard preserves image details based on tonality range and processing degree, safeguarding picture details from excessive alteration. How to use Photoshop plugins ----------------------------------- A plug-in is a software module, which is used with some other applications to enhance the capabilities of that application. Adobe Photoshop comes with pre-installed plug-ins. These plug-ins perform different type of effects on images. To use plug-ins in Adobe Photoshop we need to install them in Adobe Photoshop's plug-in directory.When we install any plug-in it will ask you to give the path (some automatically finds Adobe Photoshop). Select the Adobe Photoshop's plug directory. When Adobe Photoshop will run it will automatically read these plug-ins. These plug-ins will be included in the Filter menu. To use any plug-in, open the image on which we want to use effects. Then go to menu bar and select Filter and then in the end of this menu list select any of the installed plug-in. The plug-in window will open. |